UCSA – Ufficio Comune per la Sostenibilità Ambientale (Italy)
UCSA works in the field of environment, energy and clime for a population of 61.000 inhabitants.
UCSA is currently finalising the SECAP – Sustainable energy and clime action plan for the area, because resiliency has always been a key element in the vision.
Since its beginning UCSA proposed to prepare the Vesuvian Resilient Sump (Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan), that include other 4 neighbouring municipalities and a poster was hosted in the European Conference for Mobility Management in Athens in 2016.
In the last 2 years, due to the expertise developed, and the strong partnership established with International Organisation, like ICLEI, Climate Alliance, Energy Cities, ACR plus, it has started co-operating with other municipalities in the Metropolitan City of Naples, that were interested in replicating the UCSA model.
UCSA is using the circular economy pillars as the key methodology to approach any issues so to offer a better quality of life to the resident population.
One of the office achievements has been to promote the under 30 residents as main stakeholders, because they will be bearing and, hopefully, benefiting from the effectiveness of its work. UCSA runs the environmental project “Scuola Ambiente” with the involvement of the local primary and secondary schools that includes monitoring programmes on air quality, energy efficiency and electromagnetism waves, applying sustainable mobility, saving and improving green areas, applying circular economy principles.
The office also promotes a dense capacity building programme for local Administrators and municipalities technical staff within the fields of activity with the support of Universities and EU partners.
In the CORE project, UCSA:
- is involved in all the WPs except WP1.
Project PI: Luigi Acquaviva
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