HANKEN – Hanken School of Economics (Finland)

Hanken School of Economics is a leading, internationally accredited university with over a hundred years of experience in education and research in economics and business administration. The research is of a high standard and constitutes the foundation of all teaching. Hanken has close ties to the business community and an active alumni network with over 13 000 alumni in 65 countries worldwide.

The HUMLOG Institute was founded in 2008 jointly between Hanken and the Finnish National Defence University (NDU) in Helsinki, Finland. The aim of the HUMLOG Institute is to conduct research in areas of humanitarian logistics including disaster preparedness, response and recovery with the intention of influencing activities that will provide measurable benefits to persons requiring assistance. The institute is known for its field research and its work with and for humanitarian organisations, and co-ordinates the SC1-PHE-CORONAVIRUS-2020 project HERoS. The institute is the largest research group in humanitarian logistics worldwide, and it also works as a hub for humanitarian logistics researchers and practitioners.

In the CORE project, Hanken:

  • leads WP4;
  • coordinates task 4.2;
  • participates in several other activities, with the focus on WP2, WP3, WP4 and WP6.

Project PI: Wojciech Piotrowicz

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